Saturday, May 28, 2011


DAY 4!! Today ridge laid down all of his piano and keyboard tracks! Ill say it was really cool to hear these songs come together layer by layer. Ridge kind of knew what he was doing so Ben took josh, kris, and I out for lunch. The town that this studio is in is really cool. Its a small town but its right beside lake Michigan so its got some cool scenery and some cool places. When we got back ridge and I worked on some final piano and key parts for the 5th song. We actually got done with all that stuff an hour early! Nick stayed in the studio and worked on some bass tracking while ben, ridge, kris, josh, and myself went to play ultimate frisbee with a group of really cool people from bens church. That was a lot of fun to get out of the studio and run around. Sadly Josh and Ridge had to leave after that. Kris and I are now staying at Bens house for the week and focusing in on our song writing and vocals in the studio! Its gonna be a lot of fun and a lot of work. I dont think we've ever put so much thought and focus into our songs as we are now. We're all really excited about whats coming=)
I also just wanna throw in there a HUGE thank you to Anna who has been letting us stay at her house for the past week. She is a friend of Krises family and has been a huge blessing to us while we've been out here. She packed us a lunch for every day we went to the studio and has been our mom away from home! She owns the company RAW Materials and everyone who reads this should go check her stuff out!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us updated on the blog! It's nice to get an insider's look at the new record. Excited for it!
